Wraparound Provision (EWRAP)
Term Time
Breakfast Club (runs from 7:45am), After School Club (runs from 3.30pm-6.00pm).
MinEWrap = Reception
EWrap = Y1 - Y6
See attached file for more information.
DIRECT LINE - 020 3301 5621 (session time only)
Playschemes - (Outside of Term Time)
Holiday playschemes are organised for the children from Edmund Waller, as well as children from the local community. The play scheme operates between 9.00am until 5.00pm, Monday to Friday during most school holidays and the first three weeks of the summer break. Planned activities are provided for the children, with off site visits planned over the duration of the longer playschemes (Easter & Summer).
Contact Us
Edmund Waller Primary School
Waller Road
SE14 5LY
Telephone: 020 7639 0436
Email: ewrap@edmundwaller.lewisham.sch.uk