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Instrumental Lessons & Music Ensembles Information 2024-25

MUSIC is part of the curriculum and all children from Reception to Y6 receive a weekly class music lesson with a music specialist.   Children in Y3, 4, 5 and 6 will learn violin, tuned percussion and ukulele at some stage during their KS2 learning.  Please click here to view our music curriculum map.

For children who would like to take part in additional musical activities we currently have three after school choirs, an orchestra and a programme of instrumental lessons.

Once your child is enrolled in instrumental lessons, these automatically continue each term - you do not need to reapply unless they wish to change instruments.


Autumn instrumental lessons start from: Monday, 23rd September

Half term: w/b: Monday 28th October

Lessons End: Friday 6th December

All our instrumental lessons are now full for the Autumn term 2024.  We will advise if spaces become available and we are able to re-open application.

                   Please see below for information about instrument lessons and our terms and conditions.


All instrument lessons are taught for 10 weeks per term and must be paid for in advance


Available to:


Cost per term



Individual only, 30 mins during school hours

Our piano waiting list is currently closed. You will be notified when we are able re-open application.

£190/ £95 pupil premium


Y2, 3, 4, 5, 6

group, 30 mins during school hours

Our guitar waiting list is currently closed. You will be notified when we are able re-open application.

£50/ £25 pupil premium

*Guitar lessons  may be reduced to pair/ individual lessons by arrangement if space allows.

The below instruments are all taught during our ‘Early Birds’ sessions on Thursday mornings, 8am – 9am.  Children receive a 30-minute instrument lesson in a small group and a 30-minute musicianship session.


Y3, 4, 5, 6

8am – 9am Thursdays as part of Early Birds

£65/ £37.50 pupil premium


Y3, 4, 5, 6

8am – 9am Thursdays as part of Early Birds

£65/ £37.50 pupil premium


Y3, 4, 5, 6

8am – 9am Thursdays as part of Early Birds

£65/ £37.50 pupil premium


 Y3, 4, 5, 6

8am – 9am Thursdays as part of Early Birds

£65/ £37.50 pupil premium















                                                              INSTRUMENT HIRE FEES

Violin, cello, flute, brass

£25 per term


£15 per term


(part of our enrichment clubs programme)

Club/ Ensemble

Available to:

Day/ time / cost per term

Y1 Choir


Mondays 3.30 – 4.30, £50/ £20

Lower Phase Choir

Y2 & 3

Fridays, 3.30 – 4.30 £50/£20

Upper Phase Choir

Y4, 5, 6

Thursdays 3.30 – 4.30 £50/ £20


Y3 – 6 children who learn an instrument and can play and read at least 5 notes confidently

Fridays, 8am – 9am






1. Applying for instrumental Lesson or music ensembles

  • Application for our choirs and orchestra is termly and needs to be made by via the enrichment clubs application form, a link to which is sent termly.
  • Application for flute, brass, violin, cello, guitar and piano lessons opens in June for the following academic year.  Once a child is enrolled in an instrumental lesson they will continue automatically across terms unless notice is given to stop by the end of a term.
  • To be added to the piano or guitar waiting list at any time during the academic year please email  Please note that applying for lessons does not guarantee a place – please see point 5, below.

2. Commitment to Learning

  • Commitment to learning an instrument is for a minimum of one term.  Refunds will not be given if a child decides to give up part-way through a term.
  • Places in instrumental lessons will automatically roll-over termly unless parent/ carers give notice to stop before the end of each term.
  • Children are expected to practice between lessons for a minimum of 10 minutes, at least 4 times a week.
  • Where a practice book and other books are needed, parents /carers are responsible for ensuring that their child brings these to every lesson.
  • Piano students must have a piano or keyboard to practice on at home.  The school is unable to provide these.
  • Edmund Waller reserves the right to terminate lessons where they feel that there is no commitment to practicing or progressing on the instrument.

3. Fees

  • In-line with our charging and remissions policy, which can be found on our website, instrumental lesson fees are commensurate with the cost of providing the lessons.   This includes the tutors’ time, the music leader’s time, admin time and the cost of resources, including premises. 
  • Fees need to be paid termly in advance.  A deadline will be advised every term.
  • Arrangements can be made for parents/ carers to pay in instalments by agreement with the school office.
  • Pupil premium and discretionary discounts are offered on all lessons. 

4. Cancellation of lessons

  • If your child has a class trip or event on the day of their lesson, or the tutor is absent, we will always endeavour to re-schedule their lesson for another day or time.  If your child is absent for sickness or reasons not caused by the school then unfortunately it is unlikely we will be able to make up the missed lesson.

5. Instrument Hire

  • Parents/ Carers are responsible for ensuring that their child bring their instrument to school on their lesson day and takes it home in between lessons
  • The instrument is only to be used by the child taking lessons
  • Edmund Waller School will pay for reasonable wear and tear (repair work)
  • If your child stops lessons or leaves Edmund Waller School the loan will be terminated and you will return the instrument to the school
  • Insurance is not provided by Edmund Waller School, and in the event of loss or damage parents/ carers are responsible for replacing or repairing the instrument.
  • Insurance can be bought through a number of musical instrument insurers, for example: ;





£150 - £200


£600 - £700

Trumpet/ cornet

















6. Learning more than one instrument

  • Children are not permitted to learn more than one instrument that takes them out of class during school hours (guitar and piano).  In exceptional circumstances, where it is not impacting on academic learning and the child is making very good progress on their instrument, this may be agreed between the music lead, the music tutor and the child’s class teacher.
  • Children in Y3 and above may be able to learn either guitar or piano + one of the Early Birds instruments (see p.1 for details), by arrangement with the music lead if they are making adequate progress in their first lesson.
  • Children should not take lessons outside school with a different teacher on the same instrument they are learning in school.  This is confusing and detrimental to their learning in the early stages of instrumental learning (primary school age), as teachers use very different techniques and strategies.

7. Inclusion & Equality of Access

  • Pupil premium discounts are offered on all instruments and music clubs.  We understand that not all families suffering financial hardship receive pupil premium funding, so please speak to Daisy Moon either in the playground or by emailing if you child is unable to access music lessons for financial reasons and you would like them to.
  • We want every child that wants to learn an instrument to be able to do so at Edmund Waller, however in some cases we need to operate waiting lists due to demand.  Places will be prioritised according to:
    • Children wh do not already learn instruments in or outside school
    • Special Educatinal Needs and pupil premium status – if learning an instrument would particularly benefit a child they may be given a priority place
    • age (older children first)

8. Behaviour

  • Children are expected to follow the school rules Ready, Respectful, Safe in instrumental lessons and enrichment clubs as they would in class and around the school.
  • Where behaviour does not meet expected standards, the school will discuss with the parents/ carers and if it does not improve lessons will be terminated.

9. Safeguarding

  • Edmund Waller is committed to safeguarding and all personnel engaged for the provision of instrumental lessons and clubs have undergone an enhanced DBS check and safeguarding training.

10. Linked Policies

  • Charges and Remissions Policy
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy