Day 3 at PGL

What a difference a day makes! This time yesterday we were bathed in autumnal sunshine, whereas today we have been battered by wind and rain from the moment we woke up - yet we're still (somehow) smiling.
After a delicious cooked breakfast the groups went their separate ways to enjoy today's activities. It was a great day to be fencing in the sports hall, and everyone loved shooting targets with air rifles in the range. Somehow the children were still smiling after facing the elements and completing the sensory trail blindfolded, and abseiling was a big hit. We're sorry to report that the wet and muddy laundry list has increased, and due to the wet weather the campfire was cancelled, but we have made the best of it with a trip to the shop and a movie night.
Another full day to come tomorrow and the excitement of a disco at the end of it.